Home Clean Heroes takes note of your cleaning preferences, so the way we clean your home is customized to the way you like it. However, since we’re still getting to know each other, here is a general overview of the professional services your Heroes provide with every visit:
- Tile walls, bathtubs and showers
- Vanity and sinks
- Mirrors & fixtures shined
- Floors cleaned & sanitized
- Toilets thoroughly cleaned & sanitized
- Super dusting
- Countertops cleaned & sanitized
- All appliances thoroughly wiped down
- Sinks cleaned and fixtures shined
- Floors vacuumed and damp mopped
- Microwave cleaned inside and out
- Super dusting
- Flat surfaces hand wiped
- Picture frames dusted
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Lamp shades dusted
- Wood floors cleaned and damp mopped
- All accessible floors and stairs vacuumed
- All upholstery dusted and vacuumed
Hosting a party? Relatives en route? Need some serious emergency clean? We’ve got you covered.
Check out our In-Law Invasion and Party Protector Package cleaning services.
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