The Answer to Long Winter Days Cooped Up Indoors: The 5 Minute Kid Chore Chart

When kids are cooped up at home during the colder months, it can be hard on the whole family. From cabin fever to too-close quarters to kids’ constant cries of “I’m bored,” long winter weekends can be tough. Plus, because the cold weather keeps families indoors, it’s nearly impossible not to notice the inevitable mess that piles up around the house almost immediately upon kids entering the room. How can you motivate your child to participate in a productive and fun activity that not only helps break up the day, but also helps lend a hand with housework? Enter the…

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5 Tips to Hosting a Stress-Free Holiday Party

The holidays are upon us. And with this time of year, many of us find our schedules filled with extra shopping, decorating, events, and perhaps even hosting. Between all of the holiday hoopla, hosting a party may seem like an absolute impossible task. Something that certainly helps is to remember the reason why you’re hosting in the first place – to enjoy friends and family together during this very joyous season. But with any event, there is a natural level of stress that may arise. Fear not. If you find yourself hosting a gathering, no matter how big or small, here…

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4 Steps To Better Pet Organization

Your pet is part of your family, and it shows. They seem to have every toy under the sun and more collars and leashes than you have jewelry. Throwing everything into a bin probably doesn’t work for you, so we have some pet organizing solutions for when you (or your furry friend) needs something in a hurry. Step 1: De-clutter You don’t need that collar your dog has outgrown or those ratty toys that never get played with anymore. While you’re at it, get rid of those stale treats you bought a few months back, and check your backyard for…

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