8 Easy Ways to Beat the Post-Vacation Blues

You just got back from vacation. You’re relaxed, rejuvenated and can’t stop thinking about all the amazing experiences you had and the beautiful things you saw while abroad.
In the meantime, the idea of unpacking, grocery shopping, answering emails and getting back to work makes you feel anxious, upset and maybe even a little sad. You’ve got the post-vacation blues, my friend. They can be hard to kick, especially when you’re a generally happy person. So here are 8 easy ways to cure the post-vacation blues and prolong the no-stress, good vibe feelings of your getaway.
1. Ease back into your routine.
Make sure to take an extra day or two off before heading back to work, so you can leisurely unpack, do your laundry and adjust to being home again. Giving yourself the extra time to have slow days at home makes getting back into your daily routine feel less like a shock and more like a vacation from your vacation.
2. Return to a clean home. 
Nothing says “I’m not on vacation anymore” like a messy living room, a dirty kitchen, and an unmade bed. Don’t have time to clean before you leave? Let Home Clean Heroes clean your house while you’re gone. Our bonded and insured grime-fighters will make your house look and feel like all those hotels you stayed in while traveling. Yes, they’ll even make your bed.
3. Cook your favorite meal.
Often when we travel, some of our most memorable moments revolve around the new and delicious food we try while out and about. Bring your vacation home with you by cooking your favorite meal for dinner. Maybe take a local cooking class and learn how to cook that Spanish Paella you loved or the Turkish hummus you ate for breakfast every day!
4. Turn your memories into art.
In today’s age of technology, it’s hard to go on vacation and NOT take photos. Put your photos (and maybe even your selfies!) to good use and hang them in your home for an affordable way not only to update your décor but also to instantly bring you back to that moment in front of the Eiffel tower.
5. Plan your next trip.
According to a 2010 study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, just the process of planning a trip can help you feel happier. It doesn’t even have to be a full vacation either. Planning a day trip to your local beach, art museum or outdoor concert is enough to make the day feel special and vacation-like! Giving yourself something new to look forward to is a sure way to cure the blues.
6. Buy experiences, not souvenirs.
An easy way to make your vacation last forever is to pay for experiences you can talk about upon your return, rather than things that will collect dust on your shelf. Talking about your vacation is an easy conversation starter, it creates nostalgia and in turn, it makes you happier.
7. Make time for vacation-type relaxation at home.
Typically, how relaxed you are directly affects how happy you are. While it might not be possible to slow down, sleep in and order room service every day at home, it’s definitely possible to carve out time here and there for relaxing moments. Go for a walk on your lunch break, drink your morning coffee in the backyard or wake up without an alarm on Sunday mornings. No matter how you decide to relax a little at home, you’ll feel those getaway vibes and cure those vacation blues every time you do.
8. Be grateful for your vacation.
Perspective is everything and let’s be real…if you have the time and the means to take a vacation you’ve got it pretty good! A little gratitude goes a long way and being grateful that you could take a vacation at all will also help you feel less disappointed about returning home.
So enjoy your time away, make your vacation last when you get back, and remember just how lucky you are to have the memories!